Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cadbury World!

Yesterday we went to Cadbury World....yes, Cadbury, the famous chocolate of the UK! The factory and actual Cadbury World building is located in Birmingham, England, so we caught a train there and started our adventure to eat chocolate...and of course learn about Cadbury chocolate. Once we arrived in Bournville we followed the purple gates and signs leading us to the building. There sure was a lot of purple in the town! As soon as we saw the building our pace started to pick up and we walked in to find that the World's Biggest Cadbury Shop, just waiting for us to go inside. We explored for awhile, looking at all the different varieties of chocolate and huge chocolate bars! Soon we started the 14 zone exhibition through the building, but not without our free chocolate that was being handed out=) The exhibition started from the very beginning when the Mayans discovered a use for cocoa beans and lead into the introduction of cocoa to the UK and eventually to where it is today. We got to see how it was made and even witness workers in the factory working hard to make Cadbury chocolate perfect. Within the 14 zones we got to ride in a mechanical car that took us around "Cocoa Land", where cocoa beans ran free and were content with the fact that they would be made into Cadbury was alittle odd....but interesting to see the beans skiing and fishing throughout the ride. After 4 hours of chocolate eating, exploring, and walking around Cadbury World, we were ready to get head out. But first we had to make a trip to Essence, where we were able to "travel back in time" and make our own chocolate concoction. We each picked out a topping and they filled a cup full of melted Cadbury chocolate and we got to eat it! YUM! I don't know if I've ever eaten that much chocolate in one day, but we were ready for some real food, so we ended up walking around the whole city just to find a New York style restaurant called Franky and Benny's and got some delicious burgers there. It was so warm outside so we were pretty excited to go into an air conditioned building...unfortunately for us, their air conditioning was broken in the it was pretty hot=/ But we couldn't complain, we had just had a wonderful time at Cadbury World. After a long train ride home, and a couple train switches we were finally back in Bangor ready for bed. Cadbury World was amazing! Defintiely aimed for little children, so we may have enjoyed our experience a little too much;) Can't wait for our next adventure!

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