Thursday, June 10, 2010


Goodbyes saturday morning and friday brought so many mixed emotions and I still can't believe it's real. I don't feel like I just spent 5 months in the beautiful country of Wales getting to know these people and being able to call them my friends, and I may never see them again. But I have already made a promise to come back as soon as I can. We said our final goodbyes at 4:45am, giving our last hugs and wishes before we left for our long journey home. It was so hard saying goodbye, though I tried to make my hugs last as long as they could. I'm going to miss everyone so much, more than they know. On the bus ride to the airport, I couldn't help but reflect on everything and everywhere I had been and seen during my time in Wales. I'm going to miss the beautiful countryside and especially running in all the different places I discovered. I think it's safe to say that Wales stole a piece of my heart that can only be cured if I make sure to visit again someday. I know I'll keep in touch with my flat and the guys because they have impacted my life so much the short time I was in Wales. It's not's see you later Wales=) Thanks for all the memories.

This is for you Nikki=)

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