Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Beatles and Liverpool

Yesterday morning we gathered outside to head to Liverpool in England, home to the Beatles. In order to get there, we drove through one of the long underwater tunnels that connect Wales to England, called the Queens Way and the Kings Way. Once we got there, we headed straight for The Beatles Story Exhibition. On our way there we passed a large Ferris wheel that reminded me a lot of the London Eye. It was really cool because it looked out at all the small docking areas surrounding the outside edges of the coast. We were lead through the history of the Beatles, from the lifestyles of each band member, to the story of how they met, to finally the break up of the band in 1970 by an audio tour with the Beatles songs playing throughout the different sections of the tour. I learned so much about the Beatles and really enjoyed getting to know John, Paul, Ringo and George individually through their stories in the tour. I never realized how much they accomplished throughout their short time being a band. Even after their break up as a band, each one was able to find their own fame and success through their different talents. I could definitely see myself as one of the crazy Beatle fans if I were a band during their generation! I gained a new respect and appreciation for them after the tour and was glad we were given the opportunity to go there. After our adventure Beatles adventure we decided we wanted to learn more about the Beatles so we walked to the other exhibit, getting lost in the town center where street performances were going on at every corner and you could only see clutters of people in the distance. We explored there for a bit and tried finding the Albert Docks, where the rest of the Beatles tour was. A nice Liverpool woman helped direct us in the right direction and we were off. By now the sun was out and was beautiful out! In the other exhibit we experienced a 4D short film about the Beatles, taking us through the different places in England associated with the Beatles songs. We then went through the John Lennon exhibit narrated by his first wife, Cynthia. It was all really interesting and I enjoyed learning about John's life. The rest of the day we spent shopping around the city center with its 3 floors of shops and watching performers on the street. I couldn't believe how many people were out on and shopping though. It was almost overwhelming at times, especially when you could barely move in a store to get to the exit. The day went by really fast and before we knew it, it was already 10 minutes to 5! Molly, Megan, and I raced back to the bus, getting lost along the way like normal, but finally made it. We headed back to Bangor after a busy, interesting day. I really enjoyed my time at Liverpool, especially because we were able to spend so much time learning about the Beatles. I feel like that is really part of the experience with coming to Liverpool. It was fun to be in a city with so many people since we are all not really use to it, coming from small towns in Iowa and elsewhere and from our safe town of Bangor. It is definitely a trip a person should make if they come to the united Kingdom.

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