Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tapping the peak of Snowdon

This morning Molly, Sarah, Ashely and I got up early to climb Snowdon mountain before leaving Bangor. We got up pretty early to catch the bus to Llaberis, where the bottom of the peak of Snowdon is. We rode with Megan and Justine as well, who would be taking the train to the peak. We began our adventure around 9:45am with the sun beating down on our backs. We could not have asked for a better day to climb. We started walking up a very steep long path that took us to the beginning of the mountain. But it was definitely an intimidating climb since we were all thinking "is it going to be like this the whole way up the mountain?" There were many people climbing today too, probably trying to take advantage of the nice weather too. We began our walk up the mountain, getting passed by a couple runners, and walked past many sheep along the way. We were about half way in an hour, but still had the steep section to climb. We took breaks throughout the day, enjoying the view from all the angles and talking with locals, encouraging one another. We finally made it to the top, where a large group of people were gathered after about 2 hours, but realized we still had about a 15 minute walk up to the very summit. It was a steep climb and the bugs were awful, getting worse the higher we climbed. We finally climbed the last few steps to the very tip where a gold compass was mounted on a rock and about 15 other people were trying to gather around to touch the compass. Molly and I tapped the compass and got out of the crowd and swarm of bugs. It was so beautiful from the top and you could see for miles. The fog began to get thicker as the day went on but it was still very clear out. We enjoyed our lunch on a nearby grassy area and began our walk down the mountain. The walk down wasn't nearly as bad and we got down in about 1.5 hours. We were all pretty beat and very sweaty from the hot sun shinning on us all day and the continuous climb up the mountain. Before hopping on a train to go back to Bangor we stopped to grab an ice cream bar to cool us down. It was just what we needed. Once we got back to Bangor we got Pizza House pizza and watched a movie after a hard day of exercise. It was a great day to climb a mountain and I had the best crew with me to climb=)

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