Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patricks Day

Wednesday was St. Patricks Day and was one of the craziest days that we have experienced since we've been here! But it didn't start off that way...I spent all day and afternoon trying to finish my papers for my classes all due before our 3 week spring break. I finally finished all my work by 7pm and that's when our St. Patricks day REALLY started! We had planned to go out that night but we needed to find a green Molly came up with the idea to use our green duvet covers as togas! We all looked pretty snazzy and even added some green clover tattoos. Everyone got their own unique tattoo saying, mine said "Kiss me I'm a Nugget of Irish". After we were all dressed in our green we headed out to Academy for a bit. There were a lot of leprechauns there! Of course no one as cool of an outfit as we did;) We felt silly in our sheets, and a couple people asked us if we were using our grandmas curtains, but we were dressed silly together and that made it all the better. We left Academy and walked to Octagon because they were having a green foam party for St. Patricks Day! When we got there, no foam was to be found, but as more people came and filled up the dance floor, the DJ started a 30 minute countdown. By the end of the 30 minutes no one could move because there were so many people crowding the dance flow. We eventually found all the Americans on the dance floor and waited for the foam party to start. Before we knew it we were counting down in seconds for the foam to arrive. All of a sudden this huge cannon started shooting out green foam from above us. It was so exciting at first with foam shooting from the top onto everyones heads and it wasn't long before we were all soaked from the foam. But within a couple minutes it began to get hard to breathe without sucking in bubbled in your throat and I started to panic a bit. I saw Molly and both of our faces and eyes were covered in foam. We decided to make a break for it and try to escape the foam. Elliot was nearby and just laughed at how ridiculous Molly and I looked and at how scared we were about dying! I quickly squeezed through the slimy people on the dance floor to escape for air and to my relief I found Annie, Will, and Megan immediately after I got out of the foam, through my foggy soap vision. Along the way I lost Molly, but we later found her too, drenched in green foam. I was so thankful to be out of that "sticky" situation. We all went to the bathroom to wash off and when I looked in the mirror I couldn't believe how wet and somewhat green tinted I looked! It was really funny actually, seeing all the other girls who were completely soaked from the foam. We went back out to the dance floor after catching our breathe and the DJ announced that another foam blast was coming! This time I wasn't going to be in the dead middle where all the foam collected, so we stayed on the outside and were able to enjoy the foam a lot more, grabbing clumps and throwing them at each other.

We got back much later than we should have since we had Outdoor Pursuits the next day but you cant NOT go to a green foam party on St. Patricks Day right? It was such a fun experience, but nothing like I would have ever imagined. It'll definitely be a story I plan to share with people for a long time to come!

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