Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 week anniversary

Thursday was officially our one week anniversary of being in Wales, so Annie, Megan, Sarah, Molly, Ashley, and I decided to celebrate by baking a custard, frozen of course, but never the less AMAZING, to go along with our hamburgers (already cooked, but needed to be heated, but still...we're progressing) and chips (aka fries). It was a delicious meal after a day of doing barely nothing. As we were eating we got on the topic of trips we wanted to make and thought that Paris sounded like a fun place to visit, so...we spent the last 4 hours after dinner figuring out travel plans to fly to Paris the days of Jan. 28 through Jan. 31. Which is next weekend! It still hasn't hit me that we are actually going to be going to Paris next week hasn't even really hit me that we are in Wales!

Because it was a Thursday, Molly and I wanted to watch "The Office", but the only way to watch it was America. So we had Amy set up her skype and we watched The Office on their TV at Central. But since it was live, we had to stay up until 2am Wales time, to watch the program at 8pm in Iowa. Although it was kinda fuzzy and we weren't really paying attention because of the excitement, it only mattered that we got to "watch" the Office with our teammates=)

Friday was a busy day. We got up early to walk to the train station in order to buy our train tickets to Liverpool, where we will fly out to Paris next week. Because we were so much closer to Tesco, the Walmart of Wales, we decided to make a trip there, which ended up being a 45 minute walk both there and back, to pick up some Outdoor Pursuits supplies. While we were out there we stopped at the only McDonald's in town and got a snack. It was a pretty stylish McDonald's really, much more higher class looking than ours at home. While we were walking back we got 4 honks from cars passing by...we didn't know whether we were doing something wrong, or if it was because 6 American girls were strutting their stuff on the sidewalk, haha.

When we finally got back it had been 5 hours and we were planning on going out to Octagon, the popular club inn town, with Megan's flat mates. But before I could get ready for that, Elliot and I went on a short run around town, crossing the bridge to Anglesey just as the lights were coming on. It was so pretty seeing the reflection of the bridge and city lights against the water.

Before we left for the night we attended the International Get Together in Bar Uno for some free food and socializing. Then we made our way back to meet up with Megan's flat mates and walked to Octagon. The guys on her flat call me Taylor Swift occasionally, which made me laugh and think of my cross country team at home=) We danced at Octagon from 11-3am, but it was sooo much fun, and the time flew by. All kinds of remix dance songs were played, and we were all just singing them out loud with all the others. I had the best time! It really was a great day slash night=)

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