Saturday, January 16, 2010

Noswaith dda

Some things ive been noticing about Wales that are different from the United States, specifically Iowa are the clothes especially! Everyone wears tights with a regular size t-shirt and boots of some sort. Even the little girls look cute. The Welsh language is found everywhere we go, anywhere there are english words, the welsh translation is directly below it or near by. Ive even learned a few welsh words, and some english words that are translated into dirty british words=/

This morning I met a neighbor across the window from me, we waved and that was all. Not long after I looked over to see that he was completely naked! I guess I wasnt expecting that, haha, so I left my room quickly before I saw anything more than I wanted.

My flat mates and a few of us Americans are going out tonight to a club called Octagon, so were are getting ready for that, im quite excited actually! Its werid that we can be served alcohol here and buy it. But they really seem to respect their right to drink here.

Oh almost forgot! The warden lives on my flat, which is like the RA. So I have to make sure i behave;) no, but shes really nice so im sure itll be fine.

We go on our first field trip on Monday to the Caernarfon Castle, Cricieth and the Llechwedd Slate Mines, so that should be fun=)

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