Monday, January 18, 2010

"Are you Americans?"

Today was a pretty relaxing day, we all got up around noon and saw that it was BEAUTIFUL outside, so we decided to go for a stroll downtown to take pictures and get more familiar with the city. It was pretty warm outside, about 50 degrees F or so, which is crazy to think that its still January and we don't have to wear our winter coats! We got hungry and stopped at a Subway, but when i asked if they had Parmesan cheese, the woman looked at me and said, "whats Parmesan cheese?" I was slightly embarrassed=/ Soon enough, we got a little cold, so hot chocolate sounded good. We stopped at a cafe called Costa Cafe and got some hot chocolate, which tasted a lot like it was made with dark chocolate. It was very good.

After many pictures and miles walked, we headed back toward campus making our way through Love Lane, a path leading to the Main Arts Building. As we were making our way back we ran into an English man with a young German Shepherd dog and we talked to the man about the typed of hunting dogs in the United States. Everyone is very friendly here and seems to like Americans and are very interested in our culture.

Eventually when we got back we made dinner, which was just some pasta and sauce, and headed back out to Patricks Pub to watch the Cowboy vs. Viking game on their TVs. Supposedly there is karaoke on Sunday nights at the bar, but we didn't stay long enough to find out...maybe next week;)

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