Sunday, January 24, 2010


I woke up early this morning with the little sleep I got last night to get ready for our field trip to Bodelwyddan, Holywell, and Chester with Tecwyn and the group today. We drove about an hour to get to Bodelwyddan, where we got to see The Marble Church built in 1860 by Lady Willoughby de Broke in memory of her husband who passed away. The Church is known as the wedding cake church because it resembles the ideal church that would be put on top of a cake. I have never seen so much detail and carvings in a church than i did in this church. Every pillar was marble with carved stone varying in flowers or plants, it was beautiful.

Our next stop was in Holywell (Treffynnon), where a Monastery is built in memory of the St. Winifrid and a spring is running from the inside of the Monastery to the outside for residents and visitors to take a dip in during the spring and summer due to its legend to heal. Back when medical options were limited people with disabilities, such as limb injuries, etc. would take a dip in the well and come out healed. Those healed would leave their crutches behind as proof of their miracle.

We then made our way to Chester, a large town in England, where we got to explore inside the Chester Cathedral, named after a brave young boy. The Church was very large and had four different sections of the church making up a cross shape from above. The details of the interior and exterior were fascinating! From beautiful painted ceilings, to an organ the size of a 2-story building. After visiting the Cathedral we were able to walk around the town and stop at the various shops. The town is known for its medieval appearance and popular shopping center. It felt a lot like Chicago, with its busy streets and performers on the side of the streets. We did quite a bit of shopping and stopped at a delicious milkshake shop, where i had the most amazing milkshake with a Carmel galaxy candy bar mixed in it. It was a long day, but very fun.

When we got back we prepared a tortellini pasta and sauce and served a cheap white wine with our meal to end the day. Tomorrow we go to Snowdonia to walk the trails! I cant wait!

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