Tuesday, January 26, 2010

college experiences

Monday was the first day of classes for most of us, although my first class didn't start until 12, so Molly, Sarah and I decided to make breakfast together to celebrate our first day of classes. We decided to walk to class early so we could find our room, and after walking up and down the stairs about 3 times, we finally found our lecture room, with a few minutes to spare. When it was about 12, we found that didn't actually have class today. At least we found the room for next time.

I experienced doing my first real load of laundry on Monday, sharing a washer with Molly, to save as much money as we could. Molly and I had the WORST time with the washer...apparently the pressure wasn't high enough to wash properly, so what should have been a 45 minute cycle, turned into a little more than an hour cycle. It was frustrating at first, but now we know a little more about laundry on campus and what to do/avoid next time.

It was brutally cold that day, and not the kind of cold that freezes, but the bone chilling cold that makes your whole body shake. The weather is so much different than back at home during this time of year. By later that night, it almost felt warmer...its weird how the temperatures alternate like that.

Dinner was a blast last night, we made baked potatoes with our choice of topping while listening to Britney Spears in the kitchen. We hurried off to our first class with Tecwyn at 6:30pm, and learned that most night classes have 10 minute breaks and the professor usually provides biscuits (aka cookies) for the students. I can deal with that;)

We spend the rest of the night on Megan's flat talking, eating concoctions of frosted flakes and nutella, and playing dirty minds with her flat mates.

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