Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pancake Day

Yesterday, February 16, was pancake day, so of course, we celebrated Pancake Day seriously with homemade pancakes made by Megan and chopped up a chocolate candy bar and added it into the batter. They were delicious! It seems like they take Pancake Day here pretty seriously because of all the announcements in the grocery stores and everyone we passed talked about it, except their pancakes are more like crepes and they eat them with sugar and lemon. Some of Megan's flat mates tried "our" pancakes and thought they were too sweet, and couldn't understand how we could eat up to 5 pancakes. We just laugh, because we've noticed we have a much more sweet tolerance than they do. Molly and I had to scarf down our pancakes and hurry off to track practice. We decided to walk the short cut path, which goes down through the woods behind the dorms...bad idea, it was soo muddy and we ended up sliding half the way down. But we got to practice alive, got a good workout in on the track and headed back. We ended up eating a couple more pancakes since there were some left overs. We called it an early night, since we were both exhausted from walking there and back and our workout.

This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunlight peaking through my curtains. I decided I had to take advantage of the nice day and went for a short run to the Roman Camp. Once I got there I just sat and looked at the mountains, trying to take it all in...which I think is impossible because it was just so pretty, with the snow covering the peaks of the mountains and the sun reflecting off the water. It was probably only 45 degrees of so, but the sun made it feel 10 degrees warmer. I'm so happy I got to experience that on such a perfect day.

Molly, Sarah and I got pizza for dinner with a side of large chips of course and watched the office. I'd say it was a pretty successful day=) Tomorrow we have outdoor pursuits, and according to the radar, its suppose to snow, but the weather here is so temperamental, it could be another beautiful day like today. Ill keep my fingers crossed;)

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