Friday, February 26, 2010

"Dont stop me now...cause im having a good time!"

It has been another eventful week, starting with Saturday, February 20. The girls and I decided to go to a movie in Llandudno Junction, about a 30 minute train ride to get there. As we bought our tickets around 2pm, our train was just pulling up, talk about good timing! We had some free time before the movie so we stocked up on candy and drinks for the movie beforehand. We got to the theater and waited in a cue for the movie "Valentine's Day", as we sorted out our various sorts of candy (we had 5 different candy bars to was great!). When the movie finished we went to dinner at Pizza Hut right outside the theater, where there was also a McDonalds and a KFC...we had to laugh at the combination of restaurants because of the song related to each one. We caught the next train back after a delicious dinner and good movie=)

Monday night my flat mates invited me to go out to Paddy's Pub to celebrate G's birthday. While I was there, I actually sang two karaoke songs with Liz, Charlie, and Nikki, "Don't Stop Me Now" and "Don't Trust Me". I was by no means good, but it was a lot of fun! There was even a guy that sang Eminem and other rap songs all night long, supposedly he is famous around Pubs during karaoke night guessed it, Eminem!

Wednesday was by far the nicest day I've experienced in Bangor yet. It was probably only 50 degrees or so, but the sun was out and the breeze was warm, and it felt like spring! I went for a long run to Anglesey Island to the ancient church and cemetery on the Menai Strait, only accessible by a small stone pathway. It was absolutely gorgeous, the sun hitting the water perfectly and the small island so peaceful. I really enjoyed my run that day, and couldn't help but get excited for nicer weather to arrive later in the season.

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