Monday, February 1, 2010

Exploring Paris

Friday Jan. 29, 2010
We ended up going to sleep around 7pm and didn't wake up until 9am! We were all so tired and had such little sleep the nights before. We all got ready, sluggish at first, and headed off to the train station in the pouring rain. Our first stop was at the Musee de Rotin, which had the famous sculpture, the Thinker. We spend most of the morning in the garden, enjoying the other sculptures and ate at a little cafe for lunch, were we also tried some delicious cheesecake. When we had to go to the bathroom, there was a woman standing at the door waiting for us to pay...we decided to hold it. There was no way we were going to pay to go to the bathroom! We found that most places you had to pay to use the restroom, so we took advantage of the free restrooms.
Our next stop was Notre Dame, and it finally started to get sunny out. It was so beautiful! The gargoyles on the top and the tall towers on each side. The inside was just as beautiful if not better. We rode the train to Musee de O'rsay next, which had two floors of sculptures and paintings by famous artists, such as van Gogh and Monet. We then walked across the Seine river to get to the Louvre. We walked through the see-through pyramid and walked through a couple of the many buildings in the Louvre. We got to see Mona Lisa, the Sphinx, the Venus sculpture and many more famous paintings. We ate at a McDonalds and headed back to our hostel after a long day. We got a lot of kisses blown at us as we hurried into our hostel. Definitely not as bad as the night before, thankfully.

That night we just hung out in our room, playing with each others hair, eating nutella, putting nutella on our teeth and lips and stomachs to make them look like abs, and played a game called "expressions" that we made up and took pictures of. By the end of the night we all crawled into our beds and played "truth" until we fell asleep. It was pretty much a girls slumber party, but by far the best night I've had here=)

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