Monday, February 1, 2010

It's the Eiffel Tower!

Saturday Jan. 30, 2010
We all for up and were out the door by 9am, just as we had planned. When we walked out the door we were surprised to see snow on the cars and sidewalks, but it was a beautiful day with little clouds and a ton of sunlight. We walked up to Sacre-Coeur and took some pretty pictures of the view with the sunlight from the sunrise. We then headed off to the Arc de Triomphe. It was so tall and beautiful! There was a large roundabout, probably 4 lanes wide, Molly and I joked that it was probably the worlds largest roundabout. We had no idea how to cross it without getting hit by a vehicle. Luckily there was an underground tunnel we could take over to it. Each of its four sides was so unique and had amazing detail! It's crazy to think people drive past it everyday and think nothing of it.

We were then off to the Eiffel Tower. We could hardly control our excitement! We stopped at a small cafe to try our first crepe in Paris. It was good...but nothing like the crepe we had later that day. Then we were off to our adventure to the Eiffel Tower again, catching glimpses of it every so often in between the alleys. By the time we got there and saw it in person, we could hardly believe how tall and big it was! We quickly got in line for a ticket to the top, huddling for warmth since it was so cold, yet still beautiful outside. After waiting for about an hour we made our way up to the first landing/floor, then walked a total of 3000 steps to the top of the second floor and spent a good hour taking in the view. I've never seen anything like the view I saw from the Eiffel Tower! You could see for miles. It's crazy to think it only took 2 years, 2 months, and 5 days to build! Somehow along the excitement our group got split up into 2 groups. When we got to the bottom we all found each other, probably one of the happiest days since we didn't have any way of contacting each other. We took many more pictures from the bottom looking out at the Eiffel tower in the grassy area, being goofy in our pictures. We decided to head back to our room because it was so cold, to get more layers and take a quick nap. What should have been a 20 minute break turned into a 2 hour nap, but we were well rested and ready to head back to see the Eiffel Tower again, but at night. We stopped at a Quick restaurant, much like a McDonalds, to grab something to eat. We all ended up ordering a Prikika, which was their specialty burger. I don't know what was on my burger, but whatever it was, it was delicious and gone within seconds! We hopped on a train to the Eiffel Tower and stopped at a vendor selling crepes a couple blocks from the Eiffel Tower. We tried a nutella crepe which was AMAZING! As we got closer we saw the lights on the Eiffel Tower. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. All of a sudden the lights began to flash and dance around on the Eiffel Tower. It was the best light show I've ever seen. Our last stop we wanted to hit was the Champs-Elysees walkway, toward the Arc de Triomphe, which the Tour de France bikes on. It was pretty seeing the lights of the cars and the Eiffel Tower lite up in the distance. We got back to our room and got ready for bed since we had an early morning ahead of us tomorrow.

The moon was beautiful that night, so bright and full on a clear night and looked so amazing next to the Eiffel Tower. It could not have been a more beautiful night to see the Eiffel Tower.

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