Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rugby and Scones

It's been a busy last couple of days. After Thursdays intense workout at Outdoor Pursuits, I woke up sore and found multiple bruises all over my legs and arms. Friday Megan, Ashley and I had quite an adventure trying to drop/add a class, walking all around campus for at least 2 hours. At least it was a beautiful day. After we had finished with the important work, we called up the other girls and walked down to the pier, to try the world famous scones. In the circular shop at the very end of the pier there was an old man and woman running the shop, they called us "love", and served us our scones. I got a cherry scone, and it was delicious. It was much different than our scones back home. It tasted more like a cake, but never-the-less, it was the best! On our way out I saw an ice cream shop called "Mel's Ices", so of course I had to take a picture! On our way back we stopped at a small bar and ordered a light lunch. They had amazing beef burgers and their chips were so warm and tasty. We continued on our way and ran into a group of 5 kids, about the age of 9, who were joking with us about being Americans. The 2 boys were definitely hyped up on energy drinks, but the little girls were so sweet and cute, and told us "we just love your accents". They pointed us in the direction of the Roman Camp, and we said goodbye. I couldn't believe how mature the kids were for their age and how much they knew about America, especially the fact that they would talk to complete strangers. Wales is so different than America in that way. We found the Roman camp on top of a large hill overlooking the town and water below. It was beautiful!
We got back just in time to shower quickly and make dinner before we went out to the Octagon. All us girls went out with Megan's flat and their friends. It was a blast! We got back and ended up just sleeping over at Megan's.

Saturday morning we made pancakes and did laundry in our shorts! It was probably only 50 degrees or so, but it was beautiful out and its only February! Before we knew it, it was already 4pm and we all decided to walked downtown to find a pub to watch the England vs. Wales rugby match. Of course, all the pubs were full, so we ended up coming back to one of our kitchens and watching there. England won 30-17, which was a disappointment, since we were rooting for Wales. We just hung out the rest of the night, making puppy chow, playing guitar, and watching a movie before we went to bed.
Today is the Superbowl, but it doesn't come on until 11pm, but we plan on watching and eating tons of junk food, just like we would at home=)

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