Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Athletic club introduction

I had my first seminar for my new Apocalypse class on Tuesday and I can't remember ever being that nervous, besides when I was 80 ft. high in the air on the high ropes. The seminars are small and are really just to help you understand and learn the material better, but I was still terrified. When I finally got to the seminar and got through it, it wasn't as bad as I thought, of course it was history, so I was still pretty clueless on all that happened. I had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted, so I went grocery shopping with Megan and Sarah. I seem to use a lot of my free time grocery shopping or walking places since everything is so spread out.

Dinner was early that night because Molly and I had a date with an outdoor track for our meeting for the Athletic club (aka track). We walked down to the track, taking about 30 minutes to get out there, half of the time in the dark and tripping over speed humps in the dark we couldn't see. We finally made it and met 2 very nice ladies, Jenny and Heather, who will be our coach for the next 4 months. I was intimidated at first because they seemed to be so in shape and I haven't been running as much as I should..oops! I'm looking forward to my Tuesdays and Thursday nights though when i get to run with the athletic club at the track.

Molly and I made it back alive, after walking through the woods from the track in the dark, and found the girls making monster cookies, so we had a bunch of those. Megan is our Aunt Jemima in Wales, always making us delicious snacks, making sure our bellies are full=)

My flat mates invited me out that night, and I brought some of the girls with me. Little did I know where we would be going. We had planned on going to the club Time, but once we got there, we found out it was a lesbian/gay/bi night. But that didn't stop my flat mates from dragging all of us into the club. It was definitely a different experience, but it was so much fun! We just danced around with each other and had a good time. I had my first Donner Kebab that night as well, which everyone says is a MUST HAVE before you leave Wales. Its basically a gyro, but they call them a kebab. It was pretty good, even though Ive heard horrible things about them from my flat mates. We got back to Megan's room and ate more monster cookie and then I was ready for bed after a crazy night!

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