Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day & randoms

Saturday night after our field trip we suddenly had a ton of energy and ended up having our own dance party in Megan's flat hall way. We were dancing on chairs, and jumping around, and just making up our own dance moves. We were just being silly and it was a blast! I haven't used that much energy in a long time! And my abs were definitely hurting afterwards from laughing so hard.

Yesterday for Valentines day we decided to go out for brunch. Walking around, trying to decide where to go we stopped in the Yellow Pub. We figured out what we wanted and went to the bar to order, but they needed ID...and they couldn't accept our Iowa Drivers License. Disappointed, we wondered around downtown looking for somewhere else we could eat, trying to use broken elevators and walking to several dead ends. We finally came to Varsity and decided to eat there. The food was well worth the wait and we were happy that our first stop didn't end up working out after all.

We didn't do too much the rest of the day, besides write our journals for Outdoor Pursuits together. After dinner we made sugar cookies and decorated them with frosting and ate ice cream as our official Valentines day celebration. It was so yummy, but I definitely felt sick after eating 5 cookies=/

For the longest time, whenever I got a text message from one of my flat mates or someone here in Wales, they always put an "x" or multiple "xxx"'s at the end of their sentences. It turns out that is their way of friendly "kissing" and is just a common sentence ender. Supposedly the more x's you receive, the better your relationship is. It's always exciting getting X's from people, especially multiple x's in a row!

I've found that I miss our peanut butter at home, but their peanut butter really isn't that bad. More than anything though, I miss macaroni and cheese! They don't have the kind we have at home and it's just not as cheesy tasting the kind they have here. But...there are foods here that I know ill miss when I get back custard cremes. Molly and I have this addiction where we buy a whole packet and they will be gone in less than 2 days. We've decided to hold each other accountable for our cravings, and so far it's been better...well see how long that lasts, haha

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